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Lewiston Dentist

What Are Some Habits That Are Bad for Teeth? 
added on: May 30, 2023
Bryden General & Implant Dentistry in Lewiston

So much more goes into maintaining a healthy smile besides brushing and flossing your teeth and seeing your dentist in Lewiston, although those are certainly important. Everything from what we eat and drink to our everyday habits can impact oral health. In fact, there are many habits that are bad… Read More…

Does Asthma Affect Oral Health?
added on: May 11, 2023
Bryden General & Implant Dentistry in Lewiston

Asthma affects an estimated 25 million Americans. This lifelong respiratory disease can be found in both kids and adults and can make it hard to breathe, causing wheezing, coughing, and chest tightness. But outside of these scary respiratory symptoms, could asthma also affect oral health? Let’s check in with your… Read More…

Signs of a Dental Problem
added on: April 27, 2023
Bryden General & Implant Dentistry in Lewiston

Nobody plans for a dental problem, but they do happen. When they do, they can be worrisome. Dental problems can appear to come on suddenly, and many can be painful. However, several types of oral health conditions can often be prevented, or at least treated before they cause trouble, by… Read More…

What Does Oral Cancer Look Like?
added on: April 13, 2023
Bryden General & Implant Dentistry in Lewiston

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, a time when healthcare professionals come together to raise awareness of this sometimes deadly condition.Oral cancer isn’t necessarily a death sentence and can often be treated successfully when it’s caught early. Of course, your dentist in Lewiston wants to do everything we can to help… Read More…

How Does Nutrition Affect Oral Health?
added on: March 29, 2023
Bryden General & Implant Dentistry in Lewiston

What we put into our bodies can certainly affect how we feel and how healthy we are overall. But eating the right foods can not only fuel your body, but it can also enhance your oral health. During this National Nutrition Month, your dentist in Lewiston wants to help all of… Read More…

How Painful Is It to Get a Dental Implant? 
added on: February 28, 2023
Bryden General & Implant Dentistry in Lewiston

One of the best ways to replace a missing tooth, or even several missing teeth, is by getting dental implants. A surgical procedure that requires several steps, dental implants are permanent tooth replacement options that not only restore the appearance of a full smile but also the function of tooth… Read More…

How Quickly Can You Whiten Your Teeth? 
added on: February 14, 2023
Bryden General & Implant Dentistry in Lewiston

It’s incredibly common to want to have the whitest smile possible. In fact, 80% of Americans between 18 and 49 reported that they’d like to have whiter teeth. Even if you brush and floss your teeth religiously, everyday things like your morning cup of coffee can cause tooth discoloration. But… Read More…

Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery
added on: January 19, 2023
Bryden General & Implant Dentistry in Lewiston

Your wisdom teeth are the molars farthest back in your mouth, and they are the last ones to erupt. Usually, wisdom teeth show up between the age of 17 and 21, but they can pop up sooner, later, or not at all. Many times your dentist in Lewiston will recommend having… Read More…

How Can You Tell If Someone Has Gum Disease?
added on: November 27, 2022
Bryden General & Implant Dentistry in Lewiston

Gum disease is one of the many oral health conditions that can affect other parts of the body. It’s a potentially serious infection that can lead to anything from tooth loss to cardiovascular diseases. Gum disease can’t be reversed by your dentist in Lewiston in its more advanced stages, so it’s… Read More…

Is Xylitol Good For Your Teeth? 
added on: October 29, 2022
Bryden General & Implant Dentistry in Lewiston

Sugary sweets can mean bad news for your teeth. But your dentist in Lewiston wants all of our patients to know that there is a way to enjoy those sweet cravings without all of the damage of sugar.  We’re talking about xylitol, and choosing it over sugar may benefit your oral… Read More…

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